Ep. 197 Unified Planet - A living Manifesto with Raamayan Ananda

Raamayan Ananda is a Mysticpreneur Musician, Poet, Author and Yogi, Founder VEME - The Virtual Experience And Media Engine. Developing technologies that power the future of Collective Media and the Experience Economy.

In this episode we are talking about:

The times of change and shift in the year 2020. What can happen in the matter of a few months through the power of the collective. Grinding global travel, transportation, sports and economy to a halt. Slowing down our massive YANG times, opening the space for a reflective and introspective time of YIN for many people on the planet.

Who supports our society at this time? What does it mean to live in a healthier society? What will it need to truly change and transform the broken society that we have lived in for too long?

Raamayan speaks up about working together FOR a unified world, rather than standing against the old. He shares about the journey of co-creating Unify and the living manifesto of the Unified Planet being published in June 2020.

Among many other endeavours Raamayan co-started Unify for global peace and synchronized meditations back in 2012. Further he is on the board of Social Venture Circle.

Julian Guderley