Ep. 196 When the war within you ends with Brandon Bozarth
Brandon is a facilitator of transformation and miracles! Among his groundbreaking offers and courses are The Presence Project and the newly completed coaching program: The 13 , which is guiding leaders and seekers into deeper level of self-realization. In this episode Brandon shares a bit of his background and how he literally followed his inner guidance from "chaos" to bliss, supporting people and teams on the way.
A path to a new earth with Brandon Bozarth:
(from Brandon's website)
"We all know the first step in solving any challenge, global or local, is to BE THE CHANGE we would like to see. But to be the change, first we need to know HOW to change (the science of transformation and behavior), and WHAT to be (who we are, what we are passionate about, and what gifts do we have to give). Although these questions may seem big or daunting, the process of discovering the answer to them lies in one word, Integration. Integration is the process of transforming, unconditioning, and reconditioning the negative beliefs and behavior patterns that make up who we think we are (ego) and keep us from our true nature (higher self), thus creating fear, separation, war, greed, disease while simultaneously concealing the answers to the questions above most of us are seeking. In fact most people spend 70% of their life trying to get out of stress... All because of an unintegrated ego which controls 100% of our behavior and results in all areas of our lives.
Integrating the negative unconscious beliefs automatically reveals the answers to the questions above, creating love, fulfillment, healing, happiness, abundance, clarity, leadership, and most importantly allows you to live your divine design (the expression/s of your passion and excitement). Your divine design means you are 100% supported in all ways, financially, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually by your passion. No longer can you live a life that is not representative of who you are and what you are passionate about. For those of you that are living your passion in all ways you possibly can, but you aren't experiencing being fully supported by it, this is for you too...
If every person on the planet gave their unique gifts to the world and allowed their passion and purpose to support them in all ways the Earth will become a harmonious example of the unconditional love, peace and unity THAT IS humanities destiny. We would finally see how perfectly we all fit together as pieces of one cosmic puzzle."
That's the work Brandon dos and where You freedom begins... when the war within you ends with Brandon Bozarth