Ep. 198 Energy Update transmission with Jason Estes

When the war within you ends.png

Todays episode is a dialogue and transmission with @Masters of the Void Organization's co-founder Jason Estes

We live in unique times of planetary shift, Jason is a teacher and shares regular Energy update on planetary transmissions. This episode is from early June 2020 and helps us see the global pandemic and social unrest around systemic oppresion and racism in a different light!

Jason also shares about the phenomena of biophotones, living water, how to evolve the education system at large and what to expect going into 2021 and beyond. Masters of the Void Organization's purpose is to cultivate exploration and mastery of the self in order to set new standards for the world.

We talked about a few things that are quite "out there" here is a bit of initial research you can dig into:

Visualizing the E8 root system

The Miracles of the Human Body

Biophotons and Water

Julian Guderley