Ep. 159 (Re)Humans Series - with Duane Elgin
About ReHumans
ReHumans are inspiring leaders committed to understanding what it means to be human in the 2020s and beyond, as our times are complexifying and our spirit is uniting. Together we are reimagining the new narrative and redefining what success means.
About Duane Elgin
Duane is an internationally recognized author, educator and speaker. His books include: Voluntary Simplicity, The Living Universe, Promise Ahead, and Awakening Earth. With Joseph Campbell and a small team of scholars, he co-authored Changing Images of Man. He has co-authored numerous studies of the long-range future since the early 1970s—first while working as a social scientist on a Presidential Commission on the American Future, and then with the futures group in the think-tank, SRI International with clients such as the President’s Science Advisor and the National Science Foundation.
Since 1981 he has co-founded three non-profit and trans-partisan organizations working for media accountability and citizen empowerment. Duane received the Peace Prize of Japan, the GoiAward, in Tokyo in 2006 in recognition of his contribution to a global “vision, consciousness, and lifestyle” that fosters a “more sustainable and spiritual culture.” He is currently the co-director of the “Great Transition Project” that is exploring the deep future and a new paradigm pathway to a sustainable future. See the developing website: www.GreatTransition.Earth