Ep. 158 (Re)Humans Series - with Ernesto van Peborgh

About (Re)Humans 

The ReHumans around the Planet, are being featured in a book, documentary and gatherings. The life stories of ReHumans bring a new perspective of hope, seeking a balance between doing and being. What they do is at the heart of a new narrative that describes the world that is emerging and reveals it in all its splendor and prospects. What they are is the role models we need for the future of humankind: humans worried about our impact on the Planet and on the consequences of it for our future. In this episode founder and curator of the ReHumans: Rodrigo V Cunha is the co-host to our episode. 

About Ernesto van Peborgh

He is an entrepreneur, engineer and holds an MBA from Harvard University. He now creates systemic interactive networks by applying social technology and knowledge management. He applies the potential of social media to catalyze a cultural change from the collaborative ways of working. He is the founder of a multidisciplinary team called El viaje de Odiseo dedicated to the finding solutions for sustainability at the organization and knowledge levels. Odiseo has offices in Buenos Aires and São Paulo, and has clients in Latin America, the US and Europe. He has published a number of books about sustainability, collaborative businesses, complex systems, knowledge commons and human evolution.

Julian Guderley