Ep. 317 Auravana with Travis Grant

Project Auravana is currently developing the most advanced standard currently known on how to conceive of and operate community at the planetary societal scale. Learn the fundamentals of a society that operates without money, States, or socio-economic class division; and therefrom, contribute to its emergence on our planet.

The Auravana project is composed of working groups and habitat teams. The open source working groups develop and publish the societal standard for a global community-type society. These working groups create documents that provide requirements, specifications, and reasoning that can be used consistently at the societal level for mutual human fulfillment. The project exists to open source and free-share the standard for global societal co-operation.

We are developing the societal standard for a highly automatedmoneyless (tradeless) society oriented toward human fulfillment and ecological sustainability.

The Problem

The socio-economic structuring of modern society generates a large group of people that live over an extensive area, compete against one another for the common resources, experience inequality and wealth disparity between social classes and/or genders, cannot operate through a unified decision process due to dissimilar understandings and goals (instead, decision making is by authority, majority, or minority rule), and actions that are taken often benefit a small segment of the people at the expense of others and the ecology.

The Opportunity

Together, we have the opportunity to apply our intelligence, understandings, and abilities to iteratively co-create a community network of socio-economically integrated city systems designed to incorporate elements from (and otherwise reflect) the natural environment of our species, while offering every individual on the planet a set of highly enriched living opportunities based on that which is possible today, and directed toward a new era of flourishing and sustainability for all.

The Solution

A unified and emergently designed socio-economic specification that structures the formation of community where people with a shared sense of purpose live within the regenerative carrying capacity of their environment, cooperate with one another using common resources, experience an enriched life where there are a multitude of opportunities for self-growth and contribution, operate through a unified decision process due to similar understandings and goals, and actions that are taken often benefit everyone and do not come at the expense of anyone or the ecology.

Julian Guderley