Ep. 308 GaiaNet growing the roots of a New Earth with co-founder Daan Gorter

GaiaNet is an international network of global change-makers. A tribe of regenerative pioneers, a new way of living on the Planet. Todays guest is co-founder Daan Gorter. Daan is a heart warrior, a fond lover of life, of awakening, of growth, of transformation. Real lasting permanent transformations. He is building Gaianet and the Cities of Light with various teams. Developing the Village of the Future; an open source project to design, fund and build a fully automated and optimized living environment that invites the good moral and ethical qualities of human beings. 

The Essence of Gaianet:

Gaianet’s purpose is to grow the roots of a New Earth. Our role as the reset generation is to embody love in action: we are pioneering the way in letting our hearts (not just our minds) guide our way. Our core capability is creating “soul space”: virtual and physical environments in which Gaians feel 100% safe, valued and understood.

As Gaians, we come together to give and ask for support, share our superpowers and find our new family with whom we co-create all the things money can’t buy.

Mission statement:

To connect and unite heart-driven projects and professionals in the co-creation of a New Earth. Gaianet builds and nurtures a global network where purpose-driven individuals connect to co-create, share and receive the resources they need for projects that shape a harmonized world for all life on Earth.

Vision statement:

Gaianet envisions and embodies a heart-driven New Earth, where:

  • Love is the driving force;

  • All of Humanity lives their purpose in perfect harmony with nature and each other;

  • Resources are shared in abundance for all.

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Julian Guderley