Ep. 270 Beaming Regenera with Bret Warshawsky | DSS Interview Series

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Bret Warshawsky, Concept Architect has spent the past 10 years deeply immersed in the embodied research, design and development of disruptive stories, realities, social architectures and socio-technologies.

Introducing the next stage of social transformation, conscious evolution and social impact entertainment, all rolled up into a genre-busting, super credible, and immersive planetary scale vehicle for the Age of Co-creation.

In Togetherland, there is a central “plot” that revolves around a pioneering group of people who catalyse an evolutionary leap through consciousness; from competition to co-creation, from destruction and war to regeneration and peace, from scarcity and fear to prosperity and love. “Time is Art“.

Julian Guderley