Ep. 231 Eco-Pioneers BLOOM Performance Foam a Renewable Bioproduct with Ryan Hunt

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Human activities are polluting the air and threatening freshwater #ecosystems around the world. The BLOOM brand believes in forming symbiotic relationships with nature that create renewable resources while also revitalizing and maintaining healthy ecosystems.

Ryan Hunt has degrees in Physics and Bioengineering from the University of Georgia, as well as passion for circular technologies including algae, photosynthesis, bioconversion and biopolymer manufacturing. Ryan co-founded ALGIX that creates sustainable technologies for environmental restoration and biomaterials under the BLOOM brand.

His team collaborates with government and corporate partners for cleaning freshwater ecosystems and transforming municipal, industrial and agricultural waste products into renewable plant biomass and bioproducts.


The rise in global temperatures, excess nutrient runoff, and human activities have lead to harmful effects like massive algal blooms in ecosystems around the world. Water pollution is an invisible problem made visible by rampant algae growth.

At Bloom, we’re determined to reverse the effects of water pollution by working with natural resources like algae to create sustainable materials, generate clean water, and maintain healthy ecosystems.


Large-scale agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, the meat industry, and other human activities have contributed to a detrimental rise of CO2 levels in our atmosphere.

Bloom utilizes the power of natural resources like algae to collect and sequester CO2, sealing it up in useful products, while displacing the use of harmful products and materials that could further contribute to the problem.


In the U.S. alone, the average person buys up to 5 pairs of shoes every year, fueling a global shoe industry that produces nearly 30 billion pairs of shoes every year.

That’s why we partner with shoe brands all over the world to implement sustainable materials on a large scale, helping the footwear industry Tread Well as we work to regenerate and maintain healthy ecosystems.

Julian Guderley