Ep. 203 Bruce Lyon on Planetary Mystery Schools - Building a culture of TRUST on a planetary level!


Bruce Lyon has been teaching in the area of esoteric wisdom, the tantric arts, cosmology and universal spirituality for over twenty years. He is part of the wisdom council of ISTA, founder of Shamballa School and the author of many books. He established an esoteric school in New Zealand - Highden Temple.

We talk about:

🕳️ Solstice and Eclipse season in 2020

🕳️ Blackholes, the mystery, uncertainty at the center of our perception

🕳️ Mystery Schools across the Planet Earth

🕳️ Healing deep grief, pain and reconciling our (own) histories

🕳️ Building TRUST in our lifes

Wild Love is a global movement that celebrates the emergence of a culture of embodied love and freedom. The world soul is moving and we are in the middle of a major shift within human civilisation. Wild Love expresses a ‘third way’ beyond the duality of status quo control and/or revolution. It stands for the inherent freedom of the human spirit and the universal nature of love.

Bruce: "At the core my life is about living and loving as fully, richly and freely as possible while empowering others to do the same. This is my contribution to an emergent global culture anchored in love and reverberating with the sound of freedom - the unique essence of the human spirit."

Julian Guderley