Ep. 211 Empowering Female Leaders with Bold Heart creator Fabienne Fredrickson
Fabienne Fredrickson’s passion and purpose is being a catalyst for self-employed women to make the greatest impact they can, while being handsomely rewarded for it. For the past 20+ years, she has been, and continues to be, a business mentor to tens of thousands of women business owners as founder of Boldheart.com.
The Boldheart Business program is based on two decades of her experience and tens millions of dollars in results for our members. Fabienne has created a model that predictably helps you grow your revenues from 5 figures a year (minimum 2K a month) to 6 figures (8-10K a month consistently). Once you reach that level, you are then shown exactly how to leverage that 6-figure business to 7 figures (80K a month or a million+ in revenues), while having you gain your life back.
Fabienne likes to say that she sprinkles self-worth teachings on top of all business teachings, as one would fairy dust. She teaches you to fight self-doubt, become infinitely more confident as a woman, believe in yourself, value your unique brilliance, and get out of your comfort zone so you succeed at a much bigger level. All so you can express the fullest, most authentic version of yourself.
Fabienne is the author of Embrace Your Magnificence: Get Out of Your Own Way and Live a Richer, Fuller, More Abundant Life, as well as The Leveraged Business: How Overwhelmed 6-Figure Business Owners Reach 7 Figures (and Gain Their Life Back).