Ep. 172 (Re) Humans Series with Sandy Wiggins

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(Re) Humans Series

ReHumans are inspiring leaders committed to understanding what it means to be human in the 2020s and beyond, as our times are complexifying and our spirit is uniting. Together we are reimagining the new narrative and redefining what success means.

What does the world require most these days ? A conversation with Sandy Wiggins. Read more below about Sandy's practice, training and overall creations. 

About Sandy Wiggins:

Statement of Practice:
Each of us has the capacity to be fully awake and fully alive. In fact, this is what we are called to be from the moment of our first breath. It is our destiny. It is also what is most needed in the world. The stories that dominate our lives, our unconscious beliefs, childhood relationships with care givers, cultural conditioning, and physical and emotional trauma are some of the barriers that keep us from this destiny. Breath is a portal through which we can heal and transcend all of that, enabling us to access our innate capacity to be fully awake and fully alive. As a practitioner, I work with individuals and groups using breath to activate this capacity that we all possess.

Inspiration Training:
I completed the entire Inspiration curriculum and spent many years under the guidance of Inspiration’s founder and principal teacher, Jessica Dibb, and other Inspiration practitioners training as a breathworker. I am certified as an Integrative Breathwork Practitioner by Inspiration and the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance. I continue to be an active member of the Inspiration Community as a learner, guide and part of an ongoing Bodhisattva circle.

Julian Guderley