Ep. 167 Stephen Brooks at ENVISION Festival 2020

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Stephen has been living in Costa Rica since 1995.  He is a community and permaculture mastermind. He is the co-founder of both Medicines from the Edge: a Tropical Herbal Convergence and Envision Festival.  He has co -started Envision Festival in 2010 and is the steward of Punta Mona Permaculture for regenerative design & botanical studies. Stephen observed the problems facing small farmers and communities in Central America and Costa Rica due to mega-monoculture agricultural practices and loss of dynamic community. He strives to provide students, landowners, businesses and neighbors regenerative solutions and strategies to increase quality of life. Stephen is an avid and passionate ethnobotanist, plant collector, permaculture designer and educator, operator of education environmental and botanical tours, implements permaculture gardens and food forests on home and many hundred acre scales, and community developer. He is a fruit fanatic and a Dead Head.

Julian Guderley