Perception, Consciousness and Breathwork with Scott Schwenk


A hybrid of laser-like practicality and cutting-edge visionary insight, Scott Schwenk has been catalyzing the inner evolution and leadership development of individuals, relationships, and larger groups and organizations for over 25 years.  His work and teaching is a blend of stillness, unexpected expansion, laughter, discovery and potent actionable insights revealing dynamic inner freedom and a thriving outer life.

Leader-Whisperer, Master Coach, Meditation Teacher

Having spent several years living and studying in a Hindu-Tantric monastery in his mid-twenties, Scott has cultivated a number of long apprenticeships in leadership development, tantric meditation/philosophy, spiritual awakening, vedic ritual, and facilitating later stage adult ego development.  In the private sector, the bulk of Scott’s work is private master coaching worldwide clients in waking up, growing up, cleaning up, and showing up.

Julian Guderley