Jason Guille from Stream of Consciousness on his views about the future of Education
Episode 086
Ideas and musings on the future of Education with Jason Guille
Jason Guille is a multi-talented community spacemaker, media creator and education steward. Jason is a Victoria B.C. local and creator of the SunsetLabs, as well as the live streaming Media company: Stream of Consciousness. Jason has helped a variety of education and school projects off the ground in the Pacific North West supporting them with Kickstarters and Indiegogo Campaigns. His insights and understanding of reigning in a new paradigm, based on love are strong pillars in the Victoria B.C. community and his values drive social empowerment across the spectrum.
Jason is all about building relationship and connection, between people and THEMSELVES, each other and the planet.
All over the world there are thinkers, teachers, authors, elders and creators putting their whole lives into great missions - social justice, education, our environment, spirituality, sustainability and so on.
It's more important than ever that these champions have their voices heard - that their messages become louder, more accessible, and of course archived for the betterment of future learners. This is exactly what he does. With Stream of Consciousness: Stream of Consciousness is a digital media company based in Victoria, Canada. Through thedelivery of professional livestream broadcasts, webinars & eCourses, we help amplify thevoices of some of the world’s most brilliant thinkers, teachers, innovators and communityleaders.