Volunteer and Gatekeeper at ENVISION Festival

Mijai Full Podcast Thumbnail.jpg

Episode 076

Serendipity connects Mijai to GreenPlanet BluePlanet Podcast

This Interview is pure serendipity to have happened in the first place.

Mijai, who is todays guest, is 70 years of age and was 20years when Woodstock happened. He retired from regular life about 20 years ago and started a permaculture farm in Costa Rica. 

He is one of the OG dedicated volunteers at ENVISION and one of the Gatekeeper's welcoming people to this amazing experience. 

Listen and learn from this perspective, insight and depth of life experience. Mijai's farm is called: Earth Rose Farm - a nature sanctuary and permaculture example in Costa Rica. 

"Plant a tree, anywhere, everywhere. When you plant a tree, it will survive you by hundreds of years. It's a legacy..." Mijai

Julian Guderley